I think the boys had their first 'brat' attack today. It all started when I showed them this rose. (Thanks for the flowers, Paul (-:)
They look so sweet with it in the pictures. And it was so cute- they smelled it (sort of), tore off petals and leaves, tried to eat it, and screamed bloody murder when I took it away. And all smiles and sweet when I gave it back. Great. I gave it back. See, I am teaching them to whine and squawk already!

Although he looks like he has black eyes, they are not. He just woke up.
They are such happy little guys. They are now sturdy enough for hanging upside down (Andrew loves it), and getting the fast version of rock-a-bye baby. They can scooch around a little bit and are champion toy-grabbers. They love their soft books and anything they can chew. I swear those teeth are in there. I am sure I see little bits of white in Aden's gums.
I will keep you posted!