Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well, we are back in Marysville and mostly recovered from our roadtrip to OK. We covered 7 states and 2071 miles in under 30 hours- both ways! Incredible, methinks! Aden and Andrew were excellent travellers and they are practicing their driving so they can help drive the next trip.

Aden looks like a real gear-jammer, and Andrew has the 'look Ma, no hands!' thing down already! Thanks to Uncle Randall we didn't have to turn the wheel over to the speedster or the mouth-driver.

Here's the rig we ran non-stop to OK. Runs great! See George if you're in the market (-:

Aden and Andrew really took to Uncle Randall. I don't think they fussed for him once.

Looks like they have the same expression on their faces in this one.

Aden and Tara- what is he thinking?

Grant feeding Andrew. The most sure-fire way to be Andrew's buddy is getting him his grub!

Grandpa is an excellent napping buddy!

We had a really good time and really enjoyed getting to see everyone. I have more pictures to post, yet I still feel like we didn't take nearly enough! More to come later...