Wednesday, March 07, 2007

No new tricks- just new pics

Best Buddies

OK- Aden is usually not this sober! He just gets so serious when the camera comes out! Andrew looks so jolly and happy he makes him look even more somber!

Finally Aden smiles and it is the one shot Andrew isn't smiling his head off! Come on, Aden!

Maybe Aden is mad because he had to hold the pink bunny and Andrew got the blue bear!

I read somewhere that you should give the baby something to hold while eating, so I gave Aden this spoon. He knew exactly what to do with it, but he kept looking at it as if to say, 'where's the food that is always on Mom's spoon?' The spoon is not keeping his hands out of his mouth and the food. He will be the king of food fights!

I said no new tricks, but Andrew does have a new trick. He likes to pick up his paci and put it in himself. He pulls it out, looks at it and puts it back in. He doesn't usually get it in straight and it looks a lot funnier in person. Looks like some of you just might get to see these two in person soon. Stay tuned!