Saturday, December 30, 2006

Throwing You a Bone

I know I owe you something from Christmas and the babies' 3 month-old mark. Here is a short clip of Aden- he's so cute!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Action Video of the future All-Stars

OSU Basketball Fans!

Well even though Oklahoma State lost a game, Andrew and Aden would still like to show their team spirit!

I think Aden is doing 'Building up the Temple'.

Happy boy!

Andrew is ready for his first game- look at that form!

Basketball is fun!

Thanks Aunt Sherill for the cool jerseys! And thanks Linda for the fun socks!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Hams

Last weekend Gary and Beverly (our local adopted grandparents) came by and brought these hats for the boys. I think Aden looks very much like an elf. At the very least a mischievous imp!

Here is Bev playing with the boys. They think she is great (so does Gary- and me and Paul too!)

Here is Aden- posing and hamming it up as usual. I did not put him in this position!

OK- I did fix his hair like this- to look like Jack-Jack from the 'Incredibles'. So far he does not turn into a fiery flame...

Andrew has really gotten reliable for a smile and yesterday (December 15) he gave me a little chuckle. What great encouragement for my already ridiculous baby antics!

"NNNnnnnnahhhhh!! Enough pictures already, Mom!"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Trying something new...

This is my first attempt at video in cyberspace. I don't yet have the right software to edit the video from our new camera- I'm working on it! So I can only upload the clips that are small enough and most of my clips are quite a bit larger than this one. Anyway- Andrew looks like he is ready to knock someone out! I think he will be Aden's bodyguard. I took this video this morning- there were a lot more clips with grinning and cooing- but I will have to figure out how to cut them down. Enjoy~

Friday, December 08, 2006

Pretty much just pictures...

Yesterday we had some pictures taken of the boys. That is such a racket! Of course I want every pose of my superstars! They have you before you even get there! So Grandmas- be patient and I will send you some 'real' pictures!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

He Knows If You've Been Bad or Good!

...we are good! for goodness sake! Andrew and Aden contemplating their Christmas lists.

Aden likes Santa!

So does Andrew!

Andrew cheese it up!

Santa! Your beard tickles!

I think the boys enjoyed their first meeting with Santa Claus. Also this is the real Santa Claus. Seriously, this guy is legendary in Marysville. Everyone I mentioned it to had something nice to say about him. And the girl at the grocery store told me that his legal name is Santa Claus. So thanks and hugs and kisses to Santa for coming down from the North Pole to take pictures with our boys! Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Two months old and SNOW!

November 27, 2006

Aden and Andrew are two months old today! It is too bad they are not old enough to go outside and play in this snow! I guess this is pretty unusual here. Paul tried to get me to shovel the drive, but I decided I better stay inside.

This is the backyard.

The Grand Prix had 11" on it and it snowed more after this picture!

This is the neighbor's birdhouse.

Meanwhile the weather inside was nice and cozy. Aden was busy entertaining Mom with his antics. After tummy time, he took a little nap and woke up with his arm like this:

This doesn't look comfortable to me at all. I watched as he very patiently figured out what he needed to do to get his arm out and eventually back up by his face.

He seemed to be enjoying the challenge of the 'stuck arm'. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to watch these little moments and I am loving it. Andrew and Aden also love the duck block you see in the picture. Catherine brought this when she came and the quacking duck is pretty much the babies favorite. They stop whatever they are doing to listen when it quacks. Which quacks me up!

Friday, November 24, 2006


We just enjoyed our first Gabli family Thanksgiving. I don't think I've ever been more thankful than this year. Thankful for our beautiful healthy boys and the opportunity to raise them. Thankful for my wonderful, doting husband and thankful for the opportunites that life has given us. And there is so much more to look forward to!
Paul roasted and stuffed the turkey this year and it was D-licious. We had a few friends over and Paul's cousin Catherine drove up from Portland and stayed the night. It was a very good day with lots of great food.

Catherine and the boys.

Aden's kissy lip face he sometimes makes after he eats.

They're always so sweet when they sleep.

A double hug for Aunt Sherill.

Andrew and Dad napping.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Adorable Boys

Andrew sends a big 'shout out' to all his peeps!

Here they are lounging around, yet again! Will these two ever get a job and move out!?!

Andrew in his 'teddy bear' suit. Just makes me want to kiss him!

We are having so much fun with these two that we are barely noticing the lack of sleep! I have decided that my college days were great training for the non-stop care of babies. Sleep?! We'll sleep when we're dead! Although the truth is that they are very good babies and give us some good opportunities to sleep, we just often think that is a great time to do something around the house. We have been very lucky in the amount of helpful visitors to lend us a hand and are glad to have Aunt Sherill visiting this week. We enjoy reminding Andrew and Aden that we love them and so do tons of people all over the country!

Monday, November 13, 2006

My First Week Alone

Well, we have survived the first week of just Mom and the boys! It really went pretty well. Of course we miss our company, but my sister Sherill will be here tomorrow night for almost a week. Maybe I will get my morning nap back!

OK, I have been derelict in my duty of blogging- just now getting a picture of Nana and the boys up. Here they are.

What a handsome group!

Yesterday I used the gift card from the church to buy the 'Bumbo' chair. Look how cute Aden is in it:

Usually the boys ignore each other, but lately they have been more interested in each other.

I am pretty sure Aden wants to know what's wrong with Andrew.

They are really starting to get interactive and more fun to play with. We know these two are going to grow up to be best friends.

Well I am out of time! I will try to get more on here next week!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

All About Andrew

OK- this is my second attempt at the post. I have not forgotten about Andrew! He is our big boy- over 10 lbs already. And no signs of slowing down. He is of course a very advanced baby as well, but it is a little harder for a 10 pounder to roll over. He is still a super-handsome boy!
Here are some pics we took with him...and some family pictures as well.

Andrew tickling Daddy's chin.Mom and Andrew

Family portrait.

Mom and Aden and Dad and Andrew

Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Very Advanced Baby

We know that both Andrew and Aden are very advanced for their age, but Aden has really been a show-off this week (5 weeks on November 1). He is already rolling over from his tummy to his back, although only if he's REALLY mad (ie STARVING). He is also already tracking objects in a 180 degree arc. Which I wouldn't have known was so advanced, except their doctor was telling me how they probably would start tracking with their eyes up to midline some time this month- and I was testing him. He has been a looky-loo from the start, and therefore a little easier to get good pictures of. (He also takes every opportunity with his diaper off to soak both Mom and Dad.) That's part of the reason why this is pretty much his post. Besides Andrew got to be born first- so Aden gets his photo spread first!

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Aden- one month old-nekked!

More Pictures

Aden - 1 month old

Andrew- watching TV with Dad and in charge of the remote!

Momma holding Aden.

Andrew kicking it in the swing.