They got what they wanted: Off of Santa's lap!
We went to Oklahoma to see Grandma and Grandpa Newton and then drove to Michigan to see Nanna, and all of our Aunts, Uncles, cousins and friends up there. We had a really nice time. Up until we all got sick- bah! We are finally getting well. Aden had pneumonia and ear infections and Andrew had an ear infection too. They both still have a bit of a cough. But we are a lot better now!
Aden is still not walking much- we try to bribe him, but he definitely has a mind of his own. Andrew sometimes stands up on his own. We are sure he won't be far behind once Aden really takes off. Andrew loves music and singing songs. He has a few hand motions down and likes to show off. He is a football loving fool. He brings me the remote and asks for 'ball'. I love it. They both love books and bring them to Mom and Dad to read all the time.
They are very good boys and a lot of fun to be with. Here's a quick video of the two of them being very sweet.