I have been trying to get another picture of the boys sitting together, but the are both so busy! Aden takes off almost immediately after I set him in position. Andrew is very nearly there, but he also like push back up to a sitting position after crawling. He is better at this than Aden, who likes to stop and 'sit' on his knees.
This is my best effort lately of the monkeys together. Andrew did a really good job of sitting on the chair. I have another chair, but Aden just wanted to nosedive right off!
Here we are getting ready for a playdate at Jennings Park. They looked so cute in their little hats, but would not leave them on at home. When we got to the park, they actually wore them because they were too busy to take them off!
Andrew looks so sad because I tricked him into keeping his hat on.
Aden almost got it off before I got the picture. You can see he thinks on/off is a great game.
Aden just starting pulling up all the time on everything today. He is also learning how to sit back down after getting up. For a while he would just be standing and crying, because he didn't know how to sit back down. The bumper is going to have to come out of his crib because he is in there standing now when we go to get him. I don't think he would think twice of climbing over and flipping out right now. Hope he learns to bounce!