The boys are eight months old! Aden is a crawling machine, while Andrew is just now rocking on all fours. Andrew is clearly focusing his attention on his communication skills. He has always been the chatterbox, but now he is a hand-clapping, head-bobbing, chair-rocking, arm-waving, babbling machine. The 'twin pen' is working out great and they both play in it happily for a good part of the day. They are both pretty much in charge of feeding themselves at meal time. They will try anything, but they love Cheerios, cheese, yogurt, and applesauce.
Last month we had our first few days of sickness. That was no fun. I realize how lucky and spoiled that we have been that they have not felt so bad before. Andrew had an ear infection which they both followed up with a cold. I am so glad that is over. Andrew is now cutting his second tooth. I think that is what he was waiting on before working on crawling.
We have started watching some Sesame Street. Elmo is the favorite, but Cookie Monster is a close second. They almost give themselves whiplash turning around to see them when they hear them.
Another of their favorites is bath time. We are going to have to graduate from the kitchen sink soon as Aden tries to go everywhere when we put him in the sink. They both love their rubber duckies and splash like crazy men.
Aden is starting to pull up and made it to his feet for the first time on his own last week. I can't believe they are getting so close to walking! They are just so fun and happy- we are very lucky!