Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Hope everyone had a great holiday. We had the pleasure of sharing our day with Gary and Beverly. We are really going to miss them when they move back east. On the bright side we have a place to stay when we go visit!

Here is Bev holding Andrew- he just can't keep his little belly covered!

Here is Aden, happily napping in Bev's arms. Life is good!

Here we are exploring the boys' first Easter basket. Paul should do commercials with that expression on his face! Obviously the boys are pretty determined to get into the chocolate bunnies- too bad they only got to taste the boxes. Maybe next year boys...

As you can see we had a beautiful, warm sunny day to enjoy.

We even got treated to a fly-by by some bald eagles. They were coming by to check up on Beverly. They were so high up- but here is a picture Paul snapped- it's blown up a lot here- so forgive the quality...

It was a very good day. Thanks Gary and Bev!

Bonus Pictures

I hope they make you smile as much as they make us smile!

Love to all~

Jill, Paul, Andrew and Aden