Well, Aden has finally cut his first tooth. For real. I know, I know, I have been going on about their teeth coming in for a long time, but there really is a tooth in there! They are both getting so big and learning new things so fast. Aden has been getting up on all fours, but thankfully not going anywhere yet. I am not ready. I don't have my 'twin-pen' set up yet. They are both starting to really take notice of Lucy and Bella. Yesterday they were both 'talking' to Bella and just squealing with delight. They also like to sit on Dad's lap and pet her. Andrew loves to blow raspberries on Mom's arm after he gets his diaper changed. He is also trying to pat his mouth to go 'ba, ba, ba'. They are really into their toys now as well. Andrew is particularly good at banging things, knocking things over, and taking them apart. Aden is really good at pushing buttons.
They are both great eaters and Aden loves his Cheerios. So much that he falls asleep while he is eating them.

Andrew was taking advantage of the situation to mess up Aden's hair.

2 weeks ago we only had one stuffed bunny. Well, last week we messed up and got a second bunny- well as you can imagine those naughty little bunnies have multiplied in the last week! Darn bunnies!
Aden thought posing with the bunnies was a lot more fun than his brother- I have so many super-cute pictures of him with the bunnies it was hard to choose which one to post.

Next week we head to Michigan and the boys are going on their first plane ride. We are going to have a FUNtastic time. Michiganders- see you soon!