Greetings from Gabli-land. Andrew and Aden continue to entertain us with their various antics. They are starting to eat some Cheerios by themselves and can sit alone for short periods of time. Those darn teeth are still nowhere to be seen. At their six-month check-up Aden weighed in at 16 lbs 4 oz and Andrew at 18 lbs 4 oz. They are both pretty long beans but Andrew is almost an inch longer at 29 1/2".
Andrew rolled over onto Aden and decided he made a pretty good cushion.
He was really enjoying his bubba recliner. I'm not so sure about Aden.
Andrew showing off his carrot goatee.
Aden's carrot goatee.
Here's Aden counting his Cheerios. Making sure they are all there.
While we were in Oklahoma we picked up the boys' cedar chests that Grandma and Grandpa Newton had made for them. Here is Aden modeling his.
And Andrew too, sweet as ever.

Daddy and Andrew at Uncle Randall's.

Again we really had fun in Oklahoma. It was great getting to see Uncle Robert, Michael and Aunt Judy in Kingfisher (I can't believe I didn't get any pictures!).
Here are some more happy faces we got to see at Grandma and Grandpa's and luckily got some pictures of!
Aunt Juanita, Kellie and Kaycee. Haha! I got your picture Juanita! And you are now an internet STAR!
Aunt Michell, Uncle George, Cousin Jake, Cousin Jay, Uncle Jake and Aden kicking it at Grandma's house.

Kellie, Andrew, Aden and Kaycee at Grandma Newton's.

Laurie and Andrew.

Proud Grandma

Johnny feeding Aden.

Whew! We also got to see Troy, Tina, Michael, Brandon and Keira. And thanks to Chase for picking up Paul at the airport. So good to see you all- we'll be back in July!