Happy Four Months old Aden and Andrew!

Phew! That was fast. Aden is now a 14 pounder and Andrew is a 15 pounder.

They are so sweet and cute.
Aden is such a mad scientist. He is always doing something to see what will happen. Right now he is in his swing and kicking his legs for all he's worth and it is making the swing jerk around a little. As far as I can tell that is the only reason he is doing it- crazy little baby. Andrew is taking it easy trying to fight going to sleep. They both are big into hand play now and if they are close enough to touch each other, they will try to grab each other's hands and put them in their mouth. Pretty funny to see them interacting with each other.

Aden and Andrew as Thing 1 and Thing 2- Thanks Aunt Peg!