Well, hello everyone out there in cyberspace. Happy New Year! I did not forget you- just sometimes it's a little busy around here!
3 months old- Wow- already?! Vital Statistics: Andrew weighed in at 13 lbs 15 oz and Aden at 12 lbs 9 oz. They are both 25 1/2 inches long. Aden is all arms and legs and he moves them around constantly. Andrew is our talker. He gets that from both sides! Sometimes he goes down at night babbling and wakes up babbling. We know he says 'Hi!' but he doesn't know! Aden talks too, but is a little more reserved. They both love to laugh and smile and they think Mom and Dad are HILARIOUS! They love to hear us sing songs and really like it if we move their arms and legs along, or use their tummies for a drum.

We had a really nice small Christmas. Trying to get the video into a manageable piece has been a challenge and the hold-up. I finally gave up on waiting on myself. Not for lack of trying- just what I'm trying isn't working like I want. Anyway, Santa brought Aden and Andrew some Exersaucers that they are not quite big enough for and they got plenty of presents and a big deposit for their savings account. They will soon be big enough for the Exersaucers though as Aden can sit up quite well by himself for a few moments before toppling over. Andrew just a few seconds, but they both get better everyday.
Aden loves to stand and be upright, he wants to know what's going on.
Andrew isn't quite there yet, but he will talk your ear off!

They are both just cute as can be and such good babies. We truly are blessed.
This weekend the boys went out for the first time on their own.
They stayed at Gary and Bev's while Mom and Dad went out to dinner with the SNOMOMs (Snohomish County Mothers of Multiples). Everyone had a really good time!

They are getting wise to the camera and it is much harder to catch them smiling- hopefully they will get over this quickly!
Better hurry and publish or they will be four months old before I get it done!