Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Walking tall
Saturday, November 10, 2007
No better playhouse
Than the cabinets! These monkeys love to get in the cabinet and play. Other than the vampire treatment they give each other it works out great.
I think those smiles say it all.
Here is a quick video of the monkeys.
Also thanks to Aunt Judy we had our first trip to the zoo. The boys really enjoyed it until they got tired- then it was time to go - NOW! They are not becoming demanding at all (-:
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wild Zebras!
They found a deck of cards yesterday and were playing Texas Hold'Em I'm pretty sure.
After that they figured out that a box by a counter is pretty much an invitation to see what's up higher. Mom learned her lesson on that one.
I don't think much anything is going to be safe around here much longer. Still no walking... but soon- I'm sure of it!
Take care-
Hugs and Kisses!
Aden and Andrew
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Happy 1st Birthday Boys!

Well, we did it! We kept the babies alive a whole year! Thanks to everyone who came up and celebrated their birthday with us. Special thanks to Nanna, Peg and Grace for making that long drive and bringing their special cakes and presents from Michigan. We really enjoyed it!

What fun we have had this year and the guys have grown so much. Aden born at 6 lbs 8 oz 19" long is now 23 lbs and 33". Andrew started at 7 lbs 3 oz and is now 26 lbs and 33". It is amazing how much they have changed. We still don't have any walkers, but both boys pull up on everything and 'talk' a little.

They play really well with each other until they both want the same thing- then the biting is on! Andrew is really good at stacking and putting the rings on the stick. Aden is a regular monkey and will climb anything he can get his feet on. They both love music and playing with Mom and Dad.

We are making progress on the house remodel, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa! Andrew and Aden were their guests for about a week while we did demolition on the basement.
The fun has really begun for us now. Everything that needed to go out of the basement is pretty well gone and now it is time to start putting stuff back. We will keep you posted!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
What we've been up to!

Andrew, Aden and I stayed another week in Oklahoma to help prepare for Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary reception, party, and the Labor Day parade. All very fun and exciting. So now Aden, Andrew and I are hanging out in our hotel room while Paul is working. We are also still in process of selling our houses in Washington and Oklahoma and trying to buy a house here in Kansas. Wish we had something going on! So I will try to get back to posting more frequently when things (hopefully soon) settle down!
Here are some pics of Aden and Andrew today playing on the luggage like a jungle gym.

Monday, July 16, 2007
Busy Boys
Hi All,
Well I kicked rear in June and now July... well, not so much.
Here is the quick update on the guys.
Aden now stands on his own for very short periods of time and only when he's not thinking about it. Andrew gets up on his knees, but hasn't made the move to pull up to a stand yet. Aden is up to 6 teeth and Andrew is holding steady at 4. They love to play and talk to each other and are the cutest little gang crawling around and finding everything that is reach and they shouldn't have. Those things are clearly the most fun to play with. Nevermind the gazillion toys they have lying around here!
Last week we had a special visitor and as soon as I locate the media card I will share some pictures of her- a human jungle gym!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Commando Crawlers
Aden and Andrew crawl all over the kitchen checking out everything. They are a pair of commandos on a mission. Aden leading the way to new and uncharted territory, looking for the one thing Mom forget to put out of reach.
The other delightful discovery is Lucy and Bella. They are great entertainment. And pretty good kissers.
This week we have been getting in some top teeth. I will be curious to see how it will change their looks.
Aden looks just like Paul when he was a little boy in this picture.
We also went 'swimming' in our indoor swimming pool this week. It was fun. The boys really liked splashing up a storm and playing with their floating toys.
Drying off.
Aden pulls up on the 'pen'.
Aden playing while brother naps.
Thanks for looking at the pictures of my cutie pies. You can see why I am after them with the camera all the time!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Pics of the boys
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Berry Crazy!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Big Boys
I have been trying to get another picture of the boys sitting together, but the are both so busy! Aden takes off almost immediately after I set him in position. Andrew is very nearly there, but he also like push back up to a sitting position after crawling. He is better at this than Aden, who likes to stop and 'sit' on his knees.
This is my best effort lately of the monkeys together. Andrew did a really good job of sitting on the chair. I have another chair, but Aden just wanted to nosedive right off!
Here we are getting ready for a playdate at Jennings Park. They looked so cute in their little hats, but would not leave them on at home. When we got to the park, they actually wore them because they were too busy to take them off!
Andrew looks so sad because I tricked him into keeping his hat on.
Aden almost got it off before I got the picture. You can see he thinks on/off is a great game.
Aden just starting pulling up all the time on everything today. He is also learning how to sit back down after getting up. For a while he would just be standing and crying, because he didn't know how to sit back down. The bumper is going to have to come out of his crib because he is in there standing now when we go to get him. I don't think he would think twice of climbing over and flipping out right now. Hope he learns to bounce!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
8 Months Old
The boys are eight months old! Aden is a crawling machine, while Andrew is just now rocking on all fours. Andrew is clearly focusing his attention on his communication skills. He has always been the chatterbox, but now he is a hand-clapping, head-bobbing, chair-rocking, arm-waving, babbling machine. The 'twin pen' is working out great and they both play in it happily for a good part of the day. They are both pretty much in charge of feeding themselves at meal time. They will try anything, but they love Cheerios, cheese, yogurt, and applesauce.
Last month we had our first few days of sickness. That was no fun. I realize how lucky and spoiled that we have been that they have not felt so bad before. Andrew had an ear infection which they both followed up with a cold. I am so glad that is over. Andrew is now cutting his second tooth. I think that is what he was waiting on before working on crawling.
We have started watching some Sesame Street. Elmo is the favorite, but Cookie Monster is a close second. They almost give themselves whiplash turning around to see them when they hear them.
Another of their favorites is bath time. We are going to have to graduate from the kitchen sink soon as Aden tries to go everywhere when we put him in the sink. They both love their rubber duckies and splash like crazy men.