Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First day of school and siding is started!

School has started and I am left wondering what has happened to summer! Andrew and Aden were so excited on their first day of school.  They are going five days a week to Fountain of Life Preschool in Kernersville and they are loving it.  Andrew is having a little trouble adjusting to wearing his glasses all the time, but wore them all day yesterday and they didn't get lost! Aden is friendly and cheerful as ever and has really been a great Charlie teacher.  He loves to show Charlie how to do everything.  Charlie is growing up so fast.  He goes to Fountain of Life on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  He is using the potty daily but doesn't want to wear big boy underwear?! He is a strong little guy that loves to push his brothers around on their trikes and he loves dirt and Tonka trucks.  He is really in heaven now as the bulldozer has been to the house to move dirt and we have bare dirt galore! Hopefully I will have more pictures of the completed siding soon.  If I can just be sure to get them on the blog!


Charlie did not want to stand with his brothers for a first day of school pic, but I caught him near them anyway!

The house with a view of the new dirtwork.

 'Street' side.
 Andrew having fun triking around the house/barn.
A view of the siding that will be on all of the house by the end of the week.