We are liking NC and the boys are in preschool 3 days a week. Andrew got sent to the office today for biting. That's awesome *sarcasm* I loved getting that call. Oh well, I knew it was just a matter of time. I just figured it would be his brother that he bit. So I am the mom of 'the biter'. I tell you the other kids should give him some room- he has the meanest little 'play' face and he is big (45 lbs- about 42"). One guy asked them how they liked Kindergarten- the kids were blank, they had no idea what he was saying. Most mornings Andrew squawks that he doesn't want to go to school, then we get there and he just has a ball. He has kind of gotten a sense of humor as well- tonight he cried for 'shark'pjs, which I didn't have. Then when he got out of the tub, he says "Mom, I's just joking, I like football pajamas!" just as happy as can be. I had to laugh. (I had just 'been jokin' him' a few hours earlier.) It's so fun to teach them. Andrew is pretty proficient with the mouse touchpad on Mom's computer and plays pbskids games. I am amazed at what he can already do. Aden doesn't get the mouse yet- and doesn't seem to care too much yet. He is my adventurer guy. We went to the Imagination Movers concert and he totally loved every minute of it. Andrew just sat back and watched, until the last 10 minutes- then he got his groove. Anything out of the ordinary is good for Aden, and he is usually more than happy to give something new a try. He is also the chief disassembler and overall mess-maker. He took the baby powder a few days ago and was running around the house dumping it out. I didn't even realize he was doing this as I was changing Charlie is our bedroom. I came out and yelled at him, caught him and took away the powder. He says, "I was making a trail, Mommy!" Yeah, no sh!t. All around the house. Awesome. I think there are still some traces of that fiasco. The best part about that was the floor wasn't sticky anymore. *eyeroll*. So I live in a state of chaos and mess- and I didn't even go into the poop stories- will potty training ever end?!
And I am so completely blessed- especially with Charlie- the chubbiest, toadiest, cutest, sweetest, hungry little 20 lb 4 month old baby in the world.
Save a few gas episodes, this one is not a cranker. He merrily goes with the flow- and flashes me a grin when I get a chance to talk to him. He is learning to blow bubbles and raspberries for me. He sits up for approximately .2 seconds and promptly falls over; albeit very slowly.
Andrew and Jay at the Greensboro Children's Museum. Probably the boys' favorite place.
Andrew, Jacob, Jay and Aden at the state capitol in Raleigh. It was cold and rainy.
Captain Jay- he makes one good looking pilot! Maybe cousin Jeff can give him some lessons!
Jacob and Aden in the glider.
Paul before the Imagination Movers show.
I have a list as long as my arm about what needs to get done and it never seems to get shorter no matter how hard I work at it. I am finding some time for me- a few girls' nights out, some garage saling, and even some shopping (thanks to my recently visiting sister).
Paul has been working hard and getting some OT which makes for longer days for Mom, but prettier paychecks. I am proud of him, he is a great dad and the master of bedtime. And he cooks a mean steak on the grill too.
Well, maybe more pictures after Halloween. That is if everyone in good and listens to Momma!