Thursday, April 23, 2009

We had a very happy Easter and the boys really got into the egg decorating and hunting this year. It was a lot of fun!

Aden started out flinging out all of the eggs that he put in- but he settled down and got to work. We are still enjoying the 'goodies'. Thanks Grandma Newton and our egg-hiding cousins! We loved it!

Andrew sees more eggs! This kid wouldn't quit. He was a little man on a mission.

Bucket Head Andrew

Andrew clowning for the camera.

Bucket Ride with Chase

Brave Aden- Not afraid of the Easter Bunny- like some boys...

Here is a taste of the crazy life at our house- non-stop busy bodies creating havoc everywhere they go. I left the kitchen and came back to this. Lucy was getting the best deal of all.

We are still looking for a job and are trying not to be discouraged. 7 weeks left until we get to meet Charlie!