Aden is all smiles getting ready to blow out his candles. Even with no practice he was an old pro!
Andrew was a little shy coming out to blow out his candles, but he did a great job.
We are sending a BIG thank you to all who came and helped us get the privacy fence put up. It is already coming in handy. Like to pen the neighbors mini horses when they come over to visit! Aden even took a little ride, but for some reason we missed this on video! But Andrew saves the day, by telling us a little about horses.
The boys really like to help Dad and Mom. They help Dad work on the tractor and can really work their cordless drills.
What's for dinner, guys?
Here we are at Exploration Place. We love to check out the exhibits. Here is Aden in the 'Scoop on Poop' outhouse.
Doesn't he look relaxed?
Again a big thanks to all of you who came and helped us celebrate our big 2nd birthday! Also here are some building pics.
A big shout out to U. Robert for the hoop and U. Randall for bringing it to us!
And a random picture of Aden playing in the building. We are looking forward to the next year and all the new adventures it will bring!