There goes Aden running on the new house site. He loves to run. No wonder he complains about his legs hurting!

Dad climbed up on the stump of the tree that was in the way. Aden was all about getting up there. Maybe you can tell from Andrew's face he was not so enthusiastic. He warmed up to the whole idea, eventually.

View from the 'front' side, looking toward the highway.

Day one.

The view of the orchard. All but one tree has leaves. I think I might have bought one dead peach tree.

We were so glad to have a visit from Nanna, Cousin Rose, Aunt Kathleen, Sarah and Ian! They all loved Easter Egg hunting. It was a fast, fun-filled weekend. Thanks for coming!

What is it about the Gabli boys passing out on their plates?! Food comas possibly.

When I download my pictures there are always some lovely additions from my household photographers. This 'self-portrait' of Andrew made me laugh out loud when I saw it! Silly kid. Hopefully more exciting home building updates soon...