Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Come on Spring!

Hi all. I was so proud of my 100th post that I guess I took January off. Things are staying busy. We have power in the ground for the house, the actual building is here, the septic is approved by the county and we have a general well location. Now we are ready for some action. Of course the minute that we start digging the foundation the rains will pour.

The boys are growing up so fast and getting so involved with everything. They are mostly having fun at school and behaving themselves. Charlie is also going to school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings as well. He loves getting to be a big boy like brothers.

Aden and Andrew have been having playdates with Alec from school and that has been a lot of fun for all of us.

Charlie is so busy being one of the big guys that he likes to go pee on the potty. Check this out. He won't do it consistently, but hey! I'll take what I get!