Enjoying some Cleo Springs Labor Day watermelon. (We had to cut Andrew off- that boy loves his melon!)

Getting a 4-wheeler ride from Grandpa.

Well we had a great Labor Day in Cleo Springs. The boys stayed the whole week prior with Grandma and Grandpa. They keep each other hopping!
Andrew and Aden are both starting to talk- A LOT! It is really funny now that they are starting to be able to communicate their ideas. Andrew tells us that he wants to drive the car and wants one of his own. Aden is starting to ask for things to be put in his hand. They know about wet and dry, light and dark, and big and small. Aden is pretty good with his colors as well. As usual we are having a boatload of fun with them and staying pretty busy ourselves.
We have put in 30 posts in order to put up our new privacy fence. I am looking forward to having the backyard fenced in again. I know I need to get some pictures of the new barn up, but I am not going out today- it is way too wet.
We've had a busy week with the guys. Monday we went to the zoo. Tuesday was shopping and Wednesday we hosted a playdate with a group of moms/kids from our Meetup group. Yesterday and today have been kind of hard because of the rain. We are used to going outside to play. This winter we have to get the barn play area fixed up- so they can burn energy and not freeze!
Hope everyone is doing great!