Friday, June 27, 2008

Oh No! June is almost gone.

And I haven't posted a thing! So here is a quick update.

Andrew and Aden are growing like weeds. They are funnier and smarter by the minute. They are getting really good at their animal identification and make the best animals sounds ever! My personal favorite is rooster. They both can go pee on the big potty, but their mom isn't really into the whole potty training mood yet. Maybe in another month or so.

Aden taking it easy on the deck.

Talking is big now too. Some favorite words are: bird, g'all gone, flag, more, kitty, dog, good girl, 'Z (Lucy), no-no, night-night and bath.

Coloring is so much fun!

Today we are leaving for Michigan for a week to see Nana and our aunts, uncles and cousins. I am curious to see how they respond to fireworks. Hopefully I can get a July post up before the end of the month. Oh and I just noticed that they are 21 months today.

And also I did cut my finger working on the house and Paul thought I should share a gruesome photo of that as well. I happen to think it looks great!

Will post pics from Michigan when we get back.