Hi all,
Well I broke down and let the boys get haircuts. They are big boys now for sure! They are both busy and very curious little guys. Yesterday we met Aunt Judy at the zoo. The animals are much more interesting now and the geese were a huge hit. Aden got a real kick from chasing one and making him fly. Both guys are starting to talk more all the time. Aden likes to say 'drive truck' and Andrew's favorite phrase is 'shoot ball'. Anytime we see a truck, tractor or heavy equipment Aden starts the motor noise and anytime there is anything like a ball or basket, Andrew says 'shoot' and 'ball'. Andrew says lots of words: chair, teeth, eye, keys, ear, up, eat, cheese, shoe just to name a few. Aden says a few of these, but is more into physical communication. He likes to grab our hands and put it on the toy or button like he wants and brings us things all the time. He also has learned to take us by the hand and lead us where he wants. They definitely have little minds of their own.
Bath time grins- they have to be contained to take a photo together.

Playing on the counter top this morning.
Aden at the zoo- Andrew is in the background.

Andrew- 'all gone'.

Pooped out after a day at the zoo.

Hope everyone is doing well!