Well, we did it! We kept the babies alive a whole year! Thanks to everyone who came up and celebrated their birthday with us. Special thanks to Nanna, Peg and Grace for making that long drive and bringing their special cakes and presents from Michigan. We really enjoyed it!

What fun we have had this year and the guys have grown so much. Aden born at 6 lbs 8 oz 19" long is now 23 lbs and 33". Andrew started at 7 lbs 3 oz and is now 26 lbs and 33". It is amazing how much they have changed. We still don't have any walkers, but both boys pull up on everything and 'talk' a little.

They play really well with each other until they both want the same thing- then the biting is on! Andrew is really good at stacking and putting the rings on the stick. Aden is a regular monkey and will climb anything he can get his feet on. They both love music and playing with Mom and Dad.

We are making progress on the house remodel, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa! Andrew and Aden were their guests for about a week while we did demolition on the basement.

The fun has really begun for us now. Everything that needed to go out of the basement is pretty well gone and now it is time to start putting stuff back. We will keep you posted!