Well, what a busy 6 weeks the Gablis have had! We first went to Oklahoma to enjoy a family and a class reunion. They were both quite fun! We returned to Washington and Paul accepted a position in Wichita, KS. So we quickly readied our house to put on the market as we packed for our cruise to Alaska. The cruise was fantastic! So wonderful to walk down the hall to have dinner and not worry about cooking it or cleaning up a thing! Thanks so much Mom and Dad- we really enjoyed it. And of course Alaska is beautiful. We got back to Washington and finished packing and started the 3 day drive to Oklahoma. We stayed with Mom and Dad for a few days, then Paul came up to Wichita to start work.

Andrew, Aden and I stayed another week in Oklahoma to help prepare for Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary reception, party, and the Labor Day parade. All very fun and exciting. So now Aden, Andrew and I are hanging out in our hotel room while Paul is working. We are also still in process of selling our houses in Washington and Oklahoma and trying to buy a house here in Kansas. Wish we had something going on! So I will try to get back to posting more frequently when things (hopefully soon) settle down!
Here are some pics of Aden and Andrew today playing on the luggage like a jungle gym.