Monday, February 26, 2007

Sweet Potato Faces

Andrew and Aden are slowly expanding their diet to include such exotic foods as sweet potatoes, pears, and bananas. They are my little eaters and at this point get excited about anything on the spoon. So excited they like to 'help' Mom get the food to their mouth. Their aim is just a little off- that's all!

Andrew's Sweet Potato Face

Aden likes to lunge for the spoon. He thinks I am not going to actually get it in his mouth I guess!

Aden's Sweet Potato Face

Andrew and Aden at 5 months old

Gabli Family

All gone!

Grandma and Grandpa Come for a Visit

We have enjoyed hosting Grandma and Grandpa for the last few days. We've even managed to get out and about and have a few adventures. Everything from finding the Fremont bridge troll to tracking down distant cousins. (Those are separate and distinct adventures! )

Grandma and Grandpa tame the troll!

Andrew and Aden love to hear Grandpa tell them stories, and Grandma is a champion rocker.

We are so glad they came to visit and play. It's crazy how fast 6 days can go by! We can't wait until they come back to visit again or we get to go visit them.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Gabli Boys Out and About

Who said Seattle is always rainy? We are enjoying some beautiful spring weather here. Nice days to go for some stroller rides!

Here are the boys on their first forward-facing stroller ride.

Aden had the front seat and was holding on to the sides for dear life. So funny to watch. Even though that first ride was scary, it was exhilarating. Kind of like their first roller coaster ride. They really enjoy getting out, and it seems to tire them out.

We decided it was time to try some cereal. They are already 'getting it' after 3 days. The first day was an unbelievable mess- too messy to pick up the camera! Yesterday Dad was home, so he played photographer.
Here is Aden chowing down.

Andrew's turn.

The boys increasingly interact with each other. In the morning they like to tell each other good morning and give each other the biggest grins. I usually put them in the crib together for a little while to entertain each other. For the first time this morning I was concerned that someone was going to come away hurt and crying- (probably Andrew). Aden had Andrew in a headlock and was determined to put his head in his mouth. Tonight I gave Andrew the advantage in the wrestling match (that's pronounced 'rassling' by the way). Andrew may have the size advantage, but Aden makes up for it in attitude. I am sure this is the first scrap of many!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Shhh, be vewwy quiet.... we're hunting wabbits!

Oh, the fun we have at the Gabli house! Here are the boys doing the very best Elmer Fudd impersonations...
Aden Fudd

Andrew Fudd

We didn't get any wabbits yet- but I think it has something to do with going outside?...

(Thanks for the fun outfits, Nina!)

We still spend most of our day lounging on the colorful quilt or shopping with Mom. Andrew is now rolling over front to back and Aden loves to show off his back to front roll.

Come on spring! In the meantime we will practice on our mobility and overall cuteness.

Take care and lots of love,

Aden and Andrew