Andrew's Sweet Potato Face

Aden likes to lunge for the spoon. He thinks I am not going to actually get it in his mouth I guess!
Aden's Sweet Potato Face

Andrew and Aden at 5 months old
Gabli Family

All gone!
Gabli Family
All gone!
Grandma and Grandpa tame the troll!
Andrew's turn.
We didn't get any wabbits yet- but I think it has something to do with going outside?...
(Thanks for the fun outfits, Nina!)
We still spend most of our day lounging on the colorful quilt or shopping with Mom. Andrew is now rolling over front to back and Aden loves to show off his back to front roll.
Come on spring! In the meantime we will practice on our mobility and overall cuteness.
Take care and lots of love,
Aden and Andrew